STS Digital Extended Dynamic Experience Vol.1 CD
- STS digital
- STS 6111143
- 1CD
- Digi-pack
- 流行音樂
- MW process coding
- 荷蘭進口
STS 採用自家研發混音編輯系統MW process coding處理後音質亮麗滑順高貴感
Grandinote / audioquest / Metrum / C.E.C / Siltech …..等歐美世界知名發燒名廠支持採用標準示範片
◎特別聲明 請注意擴大器音量大小 名貴喇叭受損,本公司概不負
Track Listing:
1. Earth and Fire Orchestra : Frames / Lanko
2. Grace Jones : Don`t cry it`s only / Island Records
3. Yello The Eye: Don Turbulento / Universal Records
4. Victor Wooten: Live in America / Compass Records
5. Gary Boyle: Grumble / Naim
6. The Sheffield Drumrecords: Jim Keltner / The Sheffield -Lab
7. Stevie Ray Vaughan: Roughest place / Minor Music
8. Hans Theessink: Missing you / Epic
9. Aquamarine : My blue star / Narada
10. Matthijs Dekker: Soundfield microphone
Extended Dynamic Experience 4 【動態體驗4】
Warning: HEAVY STUFF, so watch your volume! We are not responsible for any damage on your equipment, so take care. Be very carefully to play this CD.
由2011年起,每年只做一張,每張專集均是發燒友必須擁有之【動態體驗】,延續上一集【古典動態體驗】後,回歸流行作品原素,仍舊是作品12首,包括Warner Music, Universal Records, Silverstone Records, JVC Victor, Naim…等等各大唱片公司之代表作,首首作品潛藏著不可思議之大動態,非親體會不可,STS Digital再三提醒,不要聽得忘形,小心音量! 燒喇叭呀