
黑膠唱片 Chasing The Dragon : Interpreti Veneziani– Vivaldi in London 2LP


威尼斯演釋家樂團 – 維瓦第在倫敦

  • Chasing The Dragon
  • VALLD017
  • D2D直刻版
  • 2LP
  • 33 1/3轉
  • 180g
  • 古典音樂
  • 英國版

2 件庫存


黑膠唱片 Chasing The Dragon : Interpreti Veneziani – Vivaldi in London
威尼斯演釋家合奏團 – 維瓦第在倫敦

  • Chasing The Dragon
  • VALLD017
  • D2D直刻版
  • 2LP
  • 33 1/3轉
  • 180g
  • 古典音樂
  • 英國版



2023年12月初,追龍樂團將義大利領先的室內樂團Interpreti Veneziani帶到了倫敦。 CTD 決定在威尼斯為他們的維瓦爾第製作一張姊妹專輯 – 然而,他們決定製作一張「直接剪輯」雙專輯,而不是現場錄音。音樂包含八首維瓦爾第協奏曲。這張專輯用古樂器演奏,聽起來棒極了。

專輯錄製焦點 :

Produced by Mike & Francoise Valentine
Recorded at AIR Studios
Balance Engineer: Jake Jackson
Mastering Engineer: John Webber

Interpreti Veneziani威尼斯演釋家合奏團 :

Giovanni Agazzi violin
Giuliano Fontanella violin
Nicola Granillo violin
Luca Ranzato violin
Francesco Zanchetta violin
Sonia Amadio viola
Davide Amadio cello
Angelo Liziero double bass
Alberto Maron harpsichord

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Track List :

Side A

1. Concerto for violin, strings and harpsichord RV. 386
2. Concerto for violin, strings and harpsichord RV. 242

Side B

Concerto for violin, string and harpsichord RV. 383
Concerto for violin, string and harpsichord RV. 180 violin Nicola Granillo

Side C

Concerto for violin, string and harpsichord RV. 419
Concerto for violin, string and harpsichord RV. 421 cello Davide Amadio

Side D

Concerto for violin, string and harpsichord RV. 546 violin Giovanni Agazzi, cello Davide Amadio
Concerto for violin, string and harpsichord RV. 547 violin Nicola Granillo, cello Davide Amadio


重量 500 公克
尺寸 32 × 31 × 0.5 公分
