
G.F.Handel – Messiah 2CD


  • K&K Verlagsanstalt 
  • KuK 20
  • Maulbronn Monastery Edition 
  • 2CD
  • 宗教音樂
  • 歐洲版

1 件庫存


G.F.Handel – Messiah 2CD
  • K&K Verlagsanstalt 
  • KuK 20
  • Maulbronn Monastery Edition 
  • 2CD
  • 宗教音樂
  • 歐洲版

Miriam Allan ~ Soprano
Michael Chance ~ Countertenor (Altus)
Mark Le Brocq ~ Tenor
Christopher Purves ~ Bass
Hanoverian Court Orchestra (on period instruments)
Maulbronn Chamber Choir
Conductor: Juergen Budday
The recording of a concert from the
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Maulbronn Monastery
Released & created by Andreas Otto Grimminger & Josef-Stefan Kindler
in cooperation with Jürgen Budday.
Sound & Recording Engineer: Andreas Otto Grimminger
Mastering: Andreas Otto Grimminger & Josef-Stefan Kindler
Track list : 
1.01. Symphony
1.03. Ev’ry valley shall be exalted (Air.Tenor)
1.04. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed
1.06. But who may abide the day of His coming
1.11. For unto us a child is born (Chorus)
1.15. Glory to God (Chorus)
1.17. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Duet)
1.18. His yoke is easy… (Chorus)
1.23. All we like sheep have gone astray (Chorus)
2.01. All they that see Him laugh (Accomp.Tenor)
2.06. But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell
2.10. The Lord gave the word (Chorus)
2.11. How beautiful are the feet of them (Air.Sopr.)
2.13. Why do the nations so furiously rage (Bass)
2.14. Let us break their bonds asunder (Chorus)
2.16. Hallelujah (Chorus)
2.20. The trumpet shall sound (Air.Bass)
2.21. O death, where is thy sting? (Duet.Alto.Tenor)
2.24. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus)
2.25. Amen (Chorus)


重量 110 公克
尺寸 14 × 12.5 × 1.0 公分
